
About Me
Becoming More Familiar With Technology

When my wife lost her job, I knew that I was going to have to go back to school. Unfortunately, I realized that I needed to spruce up my computer skills, since it had been years since I had used a word processor. I was really devastated, and I knew that I needed to make a few changes. I enrolled in a community tech class, where we learned everything from basic computer skills to blog design. I want other people to hone their technology skills, which is why this blog is here. Read more about a litany of technology subjects by perusing these blogs.

Online Sales: 4 Ways to Reduce Costs & Enable Fast Shipping Options

21 February 2017
 Categories: Technology, Articles

Online sales can help offer a lot of companies easy ways to reduce overhead costs, make a direct product, and get your product to the masses. As your sales grow, it's important to have a strategy in place that can help reduce costs and turn a bigger profit for every shipment that you make. One way to help with this is by making contact with strategic procurement sourcing consultants. These consultants have a number of services that will make it easier to manage online sales and control a lot of the aspects with your company. Read More …

Seven FAQs To Consider When Choosing a Nanoprecision Scanner

19 December 2016
 Categories: Technology, Articles

If you need a scanner with precise nanopositioning, you may need to opt for one with piezo technology. However, before you jump in and make your final purchase, you may want to know what advantages are offered by piezo systems. 1. What is the piezo effect? When you hear about piezo scanners, systems, stages, actuators and other devices, that is referring to items with a piezoelectric effect. This happens with  a range of materials including quartz, and it simply means that the materials generate an alternating current when the exposed to vibration. Read More …

Living In A Rental Home Or Apartment? What Are Your Best Security Options?

7 September 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you live alone in a rented apartment or single-family home, you may be wondering whether installing a monitored security system would provide you with that extra bit of safety when you need it most. However, you may be reluctant to invest money in a hard-wired security system for a home or apartment you don't own (if your lease even permits you to install a security system without prior approval). Fortunately, there are a number of wireless security options that can easily come with you to your next home -- whether you purchase or continue renting. Read More …

3 Questions To Ponder When Choosing A Mobile Device Charging Station

6 July 2016
 Categories: Technology, Articles

Whether your household harbors a bevy of smartphones and computer tablets or a solitary iPhone lives under your roof, choosing a smart way to charge your device (or devices) is imperative. While there may be a few options available to choose from, how can you make the right choice for you and your family? Do you know what sets one apart from the other? Before you bring home the charging station, be informed and consider the following questions: Read More …

4 Clutter-Free Technology Gadgets Ideal For Avid Hikers

19 April 2016
 Categories: Technology, Articles

When going on long hikes, it's important to have the necessary supplies for basic safety and survival. While these supplies are often essential, many of them can create a lot of clutter and ultimately weigh down your hiking bag. Instead of adding the extra weight, you can remove a lot of the clutter and stay easily organized with four different gadgets. Each one of these accessories are ideal for hiking and can provide a lot of resources as you travel through trails, mountains, and other hiking areas. Read More …